Monday, February 15, 2010

Life... according to Gabriel

Gabriel is such a sweet, tenderhearted boy. And such a blessing to me. :) He makes my heart smile (as do ALL of our kids) and he says the cutest and funniest things. Here are a few samples of recent conversations I have had with my Gabe.

Gabe: "Mom, who made you so beautiful?"
Me: "Well, Gabe... God did."
Gabe: "Wow, Mom. He sure did a good job."

Gabe: "Mom, what are you doing?"
Me: "I'm doing my hair..."
Gabe: "Why?"
Me: "Because I want to look cute for my date with Papa."
Gabe: "Oh Mom.... I like you just like this- you're so pretty."

Gabe: "Mama, do you think I can pray to God and tell Him to make me stop growing?"
Me: "Why would you want to do that Gabe?"
Gabe: "Well, because, Mom. I'm really liking being 4."


Gabe: "Mama! I just realized something...."
Me: "You just realized something??"

I pray daily that God protects that sweetness and genuine heart- and that He gives me the tools to nurture that in him. What a little lover. My heart just overflows.

1 comment:

~Joy said...

So glad you updated! Been checking lately ;) What a little sweetie Gabriel is! Kids are just THE BEST!