Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Precious Sweetness....

So, last night- the kids are all jammied up, sung to, prayed for, and cuddled up in their beds- and Miah and I are enjoying a little quiet time and a movie. Everyone has been out for about an hour, when we hear little feet scuffling down the stairs. And there is Elijah- dressed- eyes half open- stumbling towards us..... I say "Lijah... what are you doing?" He comes over by me and says "Mama, I want you." And there starts phase one of my heart just melting. I say "Why are you dressed? You should be in your jammies and in your bed...." He says "Mama, I want to lay by you." At this point, Miah leans in and Eli starts loving on him- kisses and hugs and shy smiles. I say "Eli, go get your jammies and we will help you put them on.... but then it is back to bed... Ok? I love you...." Elijah goes to get his jammies- brings them back- Miah helps him change (again)- and he sweetly says again, "Mama- I want you." And bats those mile long eyelashes of his... and throws me another of his super sweet "shy" smiles and says "I lay nice mama.... I go to sleep on your lap..." He climbs up on my lap- covers up under my blanket- snuggles up to me- tries really hard to hold his little eyelids shut........... and I'm pretty sure my heart has liquified within me.....

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