Monday, February 05, 2007


After thinking about it, I realized no one ever gets to see Miah and I on here. So, one little update on us.... then back to the kids! Miah is currently the store manager for the Coffee Company in Hutchinson. He is also getting his web design company, Acts Design Studio, up and running. We are excited for what God has for us in this new year! I am busy at home with the kids- mothering is a big job... but I am so blessed by them every day that it is truly all worth it. I am also volunteering my time as an intern in the counseling ministry at our church. Elijah House Prayer Ministry is something I am really passionate about. I have always had a heart for hurting people... so this is a great way for me to have some time away, but also to be in ministry. Both of us are still doing music for worship at our church and are excited to be used by God in that ministry also. I think that about sums it up for us... I know God has plans to take us higher in 2007! I can't wait for the journey to start!

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