Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Fall has finally arrived! This is truly my favorite time of year. The trees are turning, the air is so crisp and clean, and the sky is such a brilliant blue- I love it! Yesterday we went out to Miah's sister's farm to help them harvest sorgum. What an undertaking that has been! Gabe sat in the swing, played in the grass, and loved exploring the farm. Elia played on the playground and helped carry some stalks of sorgum for us. It was a beautiful day. Our arms and backs are sore but it will be worth it when we get some sorgum to enjoy. Happy happy fall everyone!!

1 comment:

angelbergstrom said...

Elia, you are such a little blessing. I'm sure that Auntie Mich and Uncle Clint feel sooo blessed because you helped with the harvesting. You are truly A HANDMADEN OF THE LORD (that's what Auntie Mich used to call Auntie Angel when she was your age)!!! I love you!!!
Auntie Angel