Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Fall has finally arrived! This is truly my favorite time of year. The trees are turning, the air is so crisp and clean, and the sky is such a brilliant blue- I love it! Yesterday we went out to Miah's sister's farm to help them harvest sorgum. What an undertaking that has been! Gabe sat in the swing, played in the grass, and loved exploring the farm. Elia played on the playground and helped carry some stalks of sorgum for us. It was a beautiful day. Our arms and backs are sore but it will be worth it when we get some sorgum to enjoy. Happy happy fall everyone!!

I Love My Hair!!

Yesterday was messy hair day at my school! It is a silly day that I like. I asked mama to do my hair like Syndro from the Incredibles movie. It was my best day ever at school. And I love it! It is fun playing and its fun doing crafts. I really like my teacher and this is my best day EVER!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Back to School time!

I can hardly believe it is time for school again. More than that, I can hardly believe Isabel will be starting Kindergarten on Wednesday. It really does not seem possible for her to be old enough already. I am excited for her but also so sad.... I know I will miss her terribly, she keeps everything interesting. We'll see how it goes. But for now, I will be enjoying every moment I have with her until she goes. Posted by Picasa